134 Dati Tecnici / Technical Data 70 CINO sofa 80 FREE sofa 90 nos poufs 94 AGE sofa 98 FLAGE sofa 102 BUT sofa 6 CAT sofa 24 FORM sofa 38 LATO sofa 48 CILLYROUND sofa 54 CILLYFLAT sofa 58 CILLYFREE sofa 62 SNAPPYlow tables 106 RIZZO sofa/sunbed 114 TAWEG sofa 120 RELAX sunbed 122 LOL sofa 128 LARA sofa 132 TOD easy chair
6 CAT sofa 24 FORM sofa 38 LATO sofa 48 CILLYROUND sofa 54 CILLYFLAT sofa 58 CILLYFREE sofa 62 SNAPlow tables
CAT sofa ,
L’alluminio della struttura saleediventa unelegantebracciolo, l’alluminio èleggero,resistenteefacilmente riciclabile, l’alluminio èmeravigliosoeperfetto all’aperto.
Cat sofa
Cat sofa
Unpiano uniscei divani CATin composizioni aperte a125°, unpianoecosostenibileeoutdoor, realizzatoin doghedi frassinotermo trattato un pianod'appoggio, funzionale ecomodo.
Cat sofa
Il frassinotermotrattato èunmateriale naturale,ecosostenibileeadatto allavita outdoor, il trattatamento termico convapore,senzal’impiegodi prodotti chimici, conferisceaquestolegno, ampiamentediffuso in Europa,un'eccellentedurabilità estabilità nell’usooutdoor.
Cat sofa
Cat sofa
I generosischienalimorbidi dalla formaergonomica rendono CATundivanooutdoor eleganteeconfortevole.
Cat sofa 18
creamwhite frame Garden fabrics
creamwhite frame Garden fabrics
Cat sofa
FORM sofa ,
Nuovemisure, nuovecuciture, nuovi tessutioutdoordafibre riciclate, etre nuovi setdi cusciniperogni sceltadi comfort!
FORM sofa anthracite grey frame Formentera fabrics
FORM sofa
FORM sofa
FORM sofa creamwhite frame Jimmiz fabrics
FORM sofa
FORM sofa
LATO sofa , Unampioplateau imbottito sucui sdraiarsi unampiobracciolodacui guardareil cielo ovunquetu sia,sempresul nostro telaio in alluminio.
Lato sofa anthracite grey frame Formentera fabrics
Lato sofa
anthracite grey frame Formentera fabrics
Lato sofa
Il frassinotermotrattato èunmateriale naturale,ecosostenibileeadatto allavita outdoor, il trattatamento termico convapore,senzal’impiegodi prodotti chimici, conferisceaquestolegno, ampiamentediffuso in Europa,unaeccellentedurabilità estabilità nell’usooutdoor.
Lato sofa
Rolloèla forma tonda eschietta checaratterizzai braccioli sollevati dalla seduta, unostaccostudiato puramenteper la vita outdoor ela convivialità. Roundèlo schienale, anch’essotondo, anch’essosollevato eschietto!
anthracite grey frame Sunbrella fabrics
Rolloèla forma tonda eschietta checaratterizzai braccioli sollevati dalla seduta, unostaccostudiato puramenteper la vita outdoor ela convivialità. Flat èlo schienale,questavolta appiattito aforma di goccia,masempresollevatoeschietto!
CILLYFLAT sofa creamwhite frame Sunbrella fabrics
creamwhite frame Sunbrella fabrics CILLYFREE sofa
Rolloèla formaschiettaacilindro dello schienalemobile, senzaalcun elemento fisso, libero, Free
SNAPPY tables
anthracite grey 37 cm height
SNAPPYtables anthracite grey frame with heat-treated ash top 22 cm height
agate grey 49 cm height
70 CINO sofa 80 FREE sofa 90 nos poufs 94 AGE sofa 98 FLAGE sofa 102 BUT sofa
CINO sofa
Libertà di cambiareposizione grazieagli schienalimobili, liberta di riposareochiacchierareconil tuoCINO.
CINO sofa
CINO sofa
CINO sofa
CINO sofa 78
FREE sofa
Il sistemadi schienalimobili eformeimbottite poligonali permette di improvvisarecomposizioniperqualsiasiesigenzaoutdoor, in perfettostilelibero.
FREE sofa
FREE sofa
FREE sofa
FREE sofa
NOS pouf
Comesassilevigati dallo scorreredell’acqua, i pouf sonoforme tondeggianti realizzateconmateriali adatti allavita outdoor. Leforme tondeeovali più grandi diventano divani grazieallo schienalemobile .
AGE sofa
Glischienalimobili sugrandi forme rettangolari possonomettere in scenamolteplici storie outdoor.
FLAGE sofa
Un’elegantebaseaslitta rende legrandi formerettangolari delloAGE leggereevolanti.
BUT sofa
Lalibertà dello schienalemobile curvato rendequestograndebottone un protagonistaoutdoor.
106 RIZZO sofa/sunbed 114 TAWEG sofa 120 RELAX sunbed 122 LOL sofa 128 LARA sofa 132 TOD easy chair
RIZZO sofa/sunbed ,
Arguto espiritoso, RIZZOsiadatta coningegnoespirito leggeroadiversimomenti outdoor, grazieagli schienaliindipendenti ereclinabili.
RIZZO sofa independent reclining backrests for multiple settings
TAWEG sofa
Unabasein legnosostieneelementi imbottiti chepossonoesserecomposti in varie configurazioni, TAWEGèil tradizionale zoccologiapponese.
RELAX sunbed 120
Laforma delle ondedel mare,lo schienalereclinabile, il relax, sonogli elementi del lettino RELAX.
LOL sofa
Eleganteevincente,comeil colpotennistico, èla cuciturachearrotonda gli schienali, fissati sulle stesseformepoligonali del FREE..
LOL sofa
LOL sofa
LARA sofa
LARA sofa
Gambeaffusolateerettangoli inclinati rivestiti di tessuto svelanoglielementimorbidi imbottiti checontraddistinguonoil divanoLARA.
TOD easy chair ,
Il nostroconcettodi outdoorèquellodi unireconfort edeleganzaadunatecnicamanifatturiera unicaed innovativacollaudatadaanni. Il risultato è un divano in tessuto con tutte le caratteristiche per l'esterno, indipendentemente dall'esposizioneal soleealle intemperie. Le strutture e i cuscini sono resistenti all'acqua grazie ad una fodera interna impermeabile che si asciuga molto velocemente e permette anche al rivestimento di asciugarsi in brevissimo tempo, quindi i divani possonoesserelasciatialla pioggia e all'umidità notturna senzaalcunproblema. Incasodimaltempoestremoed inutilizzoper lunghi tempi, è consigliabile proteggerli con le nostre copertureimpermeabili, disponibili surichiesta. Tutti i divani sonosfoderabili. Dati Tecnici
CAT sofa , 001 sofa 220x90xH95,Hs40cm 007 sofa 185x90xH95,Hs40cm 002 central 220x90xH95,Hs40cm 008 central 185x90xH95,Hs40cm 010 rightend 185x90xH95,Hs40cm 005 withrightsidetable 220x90xH95,Hs40cm 006 withleftsidetable 220x90xH95,Hs40cm p. 6→23 003 leftend 220x90xH95,Hs40cm 009 leftend 185x90xH95,Hs40cm 004 rightend 220x90xH95,Hs40cm 011 armchair 90x90xH95,Hs40cm 013 leftend 90x90xH95,Hs40cm 014 rightend 90x90xH95,Hs40cm 012 central 90x90xH95,Hs40cm 015 125°table 106x90 esempidicomposizioniconilTAVOLINO125° compositionswith125°TABLE p. 14 p. 10 strutturainalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumframe *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite frassinotermotrattato heat-treated ash dogheinlegno woodplanks RAL9005 black
FORM sofa , p. 24→37 001 sofa 255x90xH64,Hs40cm 009 sofa 220x90xH64,Hs40cm 017 sofa 185x90xH64,Hs40cm 028 armchair 90x90xH64,Hs40cm 004 central 255x90xH64,Hs40cm 012 central 220x90xH64,Hs40cm 020 central 185x90xH64,Hs40cm 031 central 90x90xH64,Hs40cm 003 rightend 255x90xH64,Hs40cm 011 rightend 220x90xH64,Hs40cm 019 rightend 185x90xH64,Hs40cm 030 rightend 90x90xH64,Hs40cm 002 leftend 255x90xH64,Hs40cm 010 leftend 220x90xH64,Hs40cm 018 leftend 185x90xH64,Hs40cm 029 leftend 90x90xH64,Hs40cm 007 withleftsidetable 255x90xH64,Hs40cm 015 withleftsidetable 220x90xH64,Hs40cm 023 withleftsidetable 185x90xH64,Hs40cm 008 withleftsidetable 255x90xH64,Hs40cm 016 withleftsidetable 220x90xH64,Hs40cm 024 withleftsidetable 185x90xH64,Hs40cm 006 rightendwithleftsidetable 255x90xH64,Hs40cm 014 rightendwithleftsidetable 220x90xH64,Hs40cm 022 rightendwithleftsidetable 185x90xH64,Hs40cm 005 leftendwithrightsidetable 255x90xH64,Hs40cm 013 leftendwithrightsidetable 220x90xH64,Hs40cm 021 leftendwithrightsidetable 185x90xH64,Hs40cm 032 ottoman 90x90xHs40cm 027 chaiselounge 185x90xH64,Hs40cm 025 dormeuse 185x90xH64,Hs40cm 026 dormeuse 185x90xH64,Hs40cm
cusciniQUADRATI SQUAREDcushions cuscinimorbidiaSAPONETTA SOFTSOAP-SHAPEDcushions cuscinischienaliconRULLO backcushionswithBOLSTER CUS005 squaredcushion 50x50cm CUS006 squaredcushion 45x45cm CUS010 soap-shapedcushion 70x70cm CUS009 soap-shapedcushion 60x45cm CUS008 cushionwithbolster 65x50cm CUS007 cushionwithbolster 75x50cm strutturainalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumframe *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% p. 26 p. 32 p. 34 RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite frassinotermotrattato heat-treated ash dogheinlegno woodplanks RAL9005 black tavolinointegratoinalluminio,verniciatodellostessocoloredellastruttura sidetableinaluminum,powdercoatedinthesamecolouroftheframe tavolinointegratoindoghedi legno sidetablewithwoodplanks cusciniconsigliati perangoliedormeuse recommendedcushions forcornersanddormeuse
LATO sofa , p. 38→47 001 sofa 255x90xH90,Hs40cm 008 sofa 220x90xH90,Hs40cm 020 dormeuse 185x90xH64,Hs40cm 002 leftend 255x90xH90,Hs40cm 009 leftend 220x90xH90,Hs40cm 015 leftend 185x90xH90,Hs40cm 003 rightend 255x90xH90,Hs40cm 010 rightend 220x90xH90,Hs40cm 016 rightend 185x90xH90,Hs40cm 007 leftsidetable 255x90xH90,Hs40cm 014 leftsidetable 220x90xH90,Hs40cm 006 rightsidetable 255x90xH90,Hs40cm 013 rightsidetable 220x90xH90,Hs40cm 004 leftendwithrightsidetable 255x90xH90,Hs40cm 011 leftendwithrightsidetable 220x90xH90,Hs40cm 005 rightendwithleftsidetable 255x90xH90,Hs40cm 012 rightendwithleftsidetable 220x90xH90,Hs40cm 018 leftsidetable 185x90xH90,Hs40cm 017 rightsidetable 185x90xH90,Hs40cm 019 dormeuse 185x90xH64,Hs40cm strutturainalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumframe *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite frassinotermotrattato heat-treated ash dogheinlegno woodplanks RAL9005 black cuscinoperbracciolo CUS006nonincluso cushions forarmrest CUS006notincluded LATO backrest cuscininoninclusi raccomandatiper laDORMEUSE not includedbutrecommended cushionsforDORMEUSE CUS010 softsoap-shaped 70x70cm CUS008 withbolster 65x50cm
CILLYROUND sofa , ROLLORound backrest 001 sofa 240x90xH74,Hs40cm 002 sofa 205x90xH74,Hs40cm 003 central 220x90xH74,Hs40cm 004 central 185x90xH74,Hs40cm 005 leftend 230x90xH74,Hs40cm 006 leftend 195x90xH74,Hs40cm 007 rightend 230x90xH74,Hs40cm 008 rightend 195x90xH74,Hs40cm 009 ottoman 90x90xHs40cm 010 central 90x90xH74,Hs40cm 011 leftend 100x90xH74,Hs40cm 012 rightend 100x90xH74,Hs40cm 013 chaiselounge 185x90xH74,Hs40cm 014 chaiselounge 185x90xH74,Hs40cm p. 48→53 cuscini CUS001inclusi,lequantitàsono indicate neidisegni cushions CUS001included,quantities are indicated inthedrawings strutturainalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumframe *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite RAL9005 black
CILLYFLAT sofa , p. 54→57 001 sofa 240x90xH78,Hs40cm 002 sofa 205x90xH78,Hs40cm 003 central 220x90xH78,Hs40cm 004 central 185x90xH78,Hs40cm 005 leftend 230x90xH78,Hs40cm 006 leftend 195x90xH78,Hs40cm 008 rightend 195x90xH78,Hs40cm 009 ottoman 90x90xHs40cm 010 central 90x90xH78,Hs40cm 011 leftend 100x90xH78,Hs40cm 012 rightend 100x90xH78,Hs40cm 007 rightend 230x90xH78,Hs40cm ROLLOFlat backrest 013 chaiselounge 185x90xH78,Hs40cm 014 chaiselounge 185x90xH78,Hs40cm cuscini 004 inclusi, lequantitàsonoindicate neidisegni strutturainalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumframe *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite RAL9005 black
CILLYFREE sofa , SNAPPY tables , 001 island 220x90xHs40cm 002 island 185x90xHs40cm 001 CILLYFREEbackrest 55x42xH42cm 003 ottoman 90x90xHs40cm p. 58→61 001 36x72cm H22/37/49cm 002 36x90cm H22/37/49cm 003 36x126cm H22/37/49cm 004 72x72cm H22/37/49cm 005 90x90cm H22/37/49cm 006 72x126cm H22/37/49cm 001 36x72cm H23/38/50cm 002 36x90cm H23/38/50cm 003 36x126cm H23/38/50cm 004 72x72cm H23/38/50cm 005 90x90cm H23/38/50cm 006 72x126cm H23/38/50cm p. 62→65 strutturaepianoinalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumframeandtop *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite frassinotermotrattato heat-treated ash pianoindogheinlegno woodplankstop RAL9005 black strutturainalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumframe *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite RAL9005 black altezzetavolinidisponibli availablestablesheight H49cm adattoalservizio servicetable H37cm latodivano sidetable H22cm tavolinobasso coffeetable
CINO sofa p. 70→79 004 island 120x120xHs42cm 005 island 180x120xHs42cm 006 island 240x120xHs42cm 001 island 105x105xHs42cm 002 island 150x105xHs42cm 003 island 180x105xHs42cm 010 peninsularight 130x180xHs42cm 011 roundpouf Ø105xHs42cm 012 roundpouf Ø120xHs 42cm 007 leftend 130x160xHs42cm 008 rightend 130x160xHs42cm 009 peninsulaleft 130x180xHs42cm C02 movablebackrest 105x28xH34cm C01 movablebackrest 80x28xH34cm D01 movablebackrest Ø23x50cm C03 movablebackrest 105x28xH34cm 105 105 011 soap-shapedcushion 60x60cm 005 squaredcushion 50x50cm finituregambeacciaioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedsteel legsfinishes RAL9005 black RAL9001 creamwhite esempidicomposizioni compositionexamples p.70 p.72 p.74 p.75 schienalimobile movablebacks
FREE sofa p. 80→89 FREE008 island 156x96xHs38cm FREE001 island 186x96xHs38cm FREE007 island 96x96xHs38cm FREE006 islandright 170x125xHs38cm 96 96 96 96 FREE005 islandleft 170x125xHs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 FREE010 rightchaiselounge 200x130xHs38cm 96 FREE009 leftchaiselounge 200x130xHs38cm 96 FREE003 island 96x96xHs38cm FREE004 corner island 190x96xHs38cm 96 96 FREE002 island 156x96xHs38cm schienalimobiliperFREE FREEmovablebacks -A01 movablebackrest 65x32xH32cm -A02 movablebackrest 85x32xH32cm -A03 cornerm.b. 80x80xH32cm -A04 curvedm.b. 65x32xH32cm -B01 movablebackrest 65x32xH42cm -B02 movablebackrest 85x32xH42cm
NOSpouf p. 90→93 003 round Ø65xHs40cm 004 round Ø80xHs40cm 005 round Ø105xHs40cm 006 round Ø130xHs40cm 009 oval 105x68xHs40cm 010 bigoval 150x75xHs40cm schienalemobilepernos nosmovablebacks -B03 smallmovablebackrest 60x30xH30cm AGE sofa p. 94→97 001 island 105x105xHs40cm 003 island 180x105xHs40cm 004 island 210x105xHs40cm 005 island 240x105xHs40cm 002 island 150x105xHs40cm 006 island 180x120xHs40cm 007 island 210x120xHs40cm 008 island 240x120xHs40cm -A01 movablebackrest 65x32xH32cm -A02 movablebackrest 85x32xH32cm -A03 cornerm.b. 80x80xH32cm -A04 curvedm.b. 65x32xH32cm -B01 movablebackrest 65x32xH42cm -B02 movablebackrest 85x32xH42cm
BUT sofa p. 102→103 001 roundsofa Ø185xHs40cm schienalimobiliperBUT BUTmovablebacks -A04 curvedm.b. 65x32xH32cm FLAGE sofa p. 98→101 002 island 180x105xHs40cm 003 island 210x105xHs40cm 004 island 240x105xHs40cm 001 island 150x105xHs40cm 005 island 180x120xHs40cm 006 island 210x120xHs40cm 007 island 240x120xHs40cm gambainalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumslidelegs *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite RAL9005 black -A01 movablebackrest 65x32xH32cm -A02 movablebackrest 85x32xH32cm -A03 cornerm.b. 80x80xH32cm -A04 curvedm.b. 65x32xH32cm -B01 movablebackrest 65x32xH42cm -B02 movablebackrest 85x32xH42cm
RIZZO sofa/sunbed , p. 106→113 001 sofa/doublesunbedwithsidetable 220x126xH76,Hs42cm 002 sofa/doublesunbedwithsidetable 220x126xH76,Hs42cm 003 sofa/doublesunbed 189x126xH76,Hs42cm 004 sofa/doublesunbed 189x126xH76,Hs42cm 005 singlesunbed 189x76xH76,Hs42cm finiturealluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumfinishes RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite betullanaturale natural birch finiturepianoinmultistratodi legno plywoodbasefinish RAL9005 black cuscini CUS003inclusi,lequantità sonoindicate neidisegni cushions CUS003included,quantities are indicated inthedrawings
TAWEG sofa p. 114→119 002 rightend 90x90xH66,Hs40cm 001 central90 90x90xH66,Hs40cm 004 central90rightsidetable 90x90xH66,Hs40cm 003 leftend 90x90xH66,Hs40cm 004b central90leftsidetable 90x90xH66,Hs40cm 005 ottoman 90x90xHs40cm 007b coffeetable 90x90xH14cm 006 rightend 90x90xH66,Hs40cm 007 leftend 90x90xH66,Hs40cm 008 central 130 130x90xH66,Hs40cm 009 leftend130,sidetable 130x90xH66,Hs40cm 011 central130rightsidetable 130x90xH66,Hs40cm 010 rightend130,sidetable 130x90xH66,Hs40cm 012 central130leftsidetable 130x90xH66,Hs40cm 017 rightend2seats,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm 019 central 180 180x90xH66,Hs40cm 018 leftend2seats,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm 020 rightend1seat,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm 021 leftend1seat,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm 022 central 180, rightsidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm 024 rightendlargeseat,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm 023 central 180, leftsidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm 025 leftendlargeseat,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm 026 island180,2seats 180x90xH66,Hs40cm 016 sofa180 180x90xH66,Hs40cm 027 chaiselounge 180x90xH56,Hs40cm 013 island130, rightsidetable 130x90xHs40cm 014 island130, leftsidetable 130x90xHs40cm 015 island130 130x90xHs40cm 028 sofa230 230x90xH66,Hs40cm 029 leftend230,sidetable 230x90xH66,Hs40cm 031 2 largeseats, right side table 230x90xH66,Hs40cm 030 rightend230,sidetable 230x90xH66,Hs40cm 032 2 largeseats, left side table 230x90xH66,Hs40cm 033 3 smallseats, right side table 230x90xH66,Hs40cm 034 3smallseats, leftsidetable 230x90xH66,Hs40cm 035 island, rightsidetable 130x90xHs40cm 036 island, leftsidetable 130x90xHs40cm frassinotermotrattato heat-treated ash finiturabaseetavolinoinlegno woodbaseandsidetablefinish irokonaturale natural irokowood
RELAX sunbed LOL sofa p. 122→127 p. 120→121 001 sofa 186x96xH70,Hs38cm 002 sofa 156x96xH70,Hs38cm 003 central 186x96xH70,Hs38cm 004 central 156x96xH70,Hs38cm 005 central 96x96xH70,Hs38cm 006 leftend 186x96xH70,Hs38cm 007 leftend 156x96xH70,Hs38cm 008 rightend 186x96xH70,Hs38cm 009 rightend 156x96xH70,Hs38cm 010 leftend 96x96xH70,Hs38cm 011 rightend 014 leftendisland 170x125xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 012 central 96x96xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 013 corner 190x96xH70,Hs38cm 015 rightendisland 170x125xH70,Hs38cm 96 016 chaiseloungeleftend 200x130xH70,Hs38cm 017 chaiseloungerightend 200x130xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 96 001 single 170/190x70xH73 002 double 170/190x140xH73 cuscino CUS006 nonincluso cushion CUS006 notincluded
LARA sofa TOD easy chair 001 sofa 193x80xH80,Hs40cm 002 sofa 163x80xH80,Hs40cm 003 armchair 78x80xH80,Hs40cm 010 leftchaiselounge 153x80xH80,Hs40cm 004 leftend 183x80xH80,Hs40cm 005 eftend 153x80xH80,Hs40cm 006 rightend 183x80xH80,Hs40cm 007 rightend 153x80xH80,Hs40cm 008 central 173x80xH80,Hs40cm 009 central 143x80xH80,Hs40cm p. 128→131 p. 132→133 finituregambeacciaioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedsteel legsfinishes RAL9005 black RAL9001 creamwhite 001 TODFlatbackrest 65x65xH78,Hs42cm 001 TODRoundbackrest 70x63xH74,Hs42cm finiturestrutturaacciaioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedsteel framefinishes RAL9005 black RAL9001 creamwhite 010 leftchaiselounge 153x80xH80,Hs40cm
Cushions are combined with the various sofa models, but our customersare alwaysfree to make the combinationsthey prefer. Checkwhich cushions are included in the various sofamodelsin the technicaldata. Cushionsaremadewith recycledmaterials and are alwaysremovable. I cuscini sono abbinati ai vari modelli di divano ma i nostri clienti sono sempre liberi di fare gli abbinamenti chepreferiscono. Sipregadi verificare quali modelli di divanohannoi cuscini inclusi nelle schedetecniche. I cuscini sono realizzati con materiali riciclabili e sonosfoderabili. Cushions CUS004 squaredsideband 60x60cm CUS010 softsoap-shaped 70x70cm CUS007 withbolster 75x50cm CUS005 squaredsideband 50x50cm CUS006 squaredsideband 45x45cm CUS001 soap-shaped 60x60cm CUS002 soap-shaped 50x50cm CUS003 soap-shaped 55x30cm CUS009 soap-shaped 60x45cm CUS008 withbolster 65x50cm CUS011 softsoap-shaped 60x60cm cusciniaSAPONETTA SOAP-SHAPEDcushions cusciniMORBIDIaSAPONETTAtrapuntati SOFTSOAP-SHAPEDquiltedcushions cuscinischienaliconRULLO backcushionswithBOLSTER cusciniQUADRATIconfascia SIDEBANDSQUAREDcushions Cuscini
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